Eksklusif Plus Pria

Eksklusif Plus Pria

Eksklusif Plus Pria
  • Medical examination and review by a Physician
  • Body composition
    ◦ Height
    ◦ Weight
    ◦ Body Mass Index
    ◦ Waist – Hip Ratio
    ◦ Body Fat Analysis
  • Eye examination
    ◦ Vision
    ◦ Color blindness (Ishihara Chart)
    ◦ Eye pressure (Glaucoma test)
  • Chest X-Ray
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Treadmill Stress Electrocardiogram 
  • Ultrasound Abdomen and Pelvis
  • Echocardiogram (Ultrasound of the Heart)
  • Lung Function Test (Spirometry)
  • Audiogram (Hearing Test)
  • Urine Analysis 
  • Blood Tests
    ◦ Blood Counts
    ― ▪ Full Blood Count
    ― ▪ Rhesus and ABO Blood Group
    ◦ General Screening
    ― ▪ Fasting Blood Sugar
    ― ▪ Glycated Hemoglobin (HBA1C)
    ◦ Fasting Serum Lipids
    ― ▪ Total Cholesterol 
    ― ▪ HDL Cholesterol (High Density or ‘Good’ Cholesterol)
    ― ▪ LDL Cholesterol (Low Density or ‘Bad’ Cholesterol)
    ― ▪ Triglyceride
    ◦ Liver Function Test
    ― ▪ SGOT (AST) – Aspartate Transaminase)
    ― ▪ SGPT (ALT) (ALT) – Alanine Transaminase)
    ― ▪ GGT (Gamma-glutamyl Transferase)
    ― ▪ ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase)
    ― ▪ Albumin
    ― ▪ Globulin
    ― ▪ Total Bilirubin
    ◦ Kidney Function
    ― ▪ Creatinine
    ― ▪ Urea
    ― ▪ eGFR (Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate)
    ― ▪ Sodium
    ― ▪ Potassium
    ◦ Serum Uric Acid
    ◦ Minerals and vitamin levels
    ― ▪ Calcium
    ― ▪ Iron
    ― ▪ Folate
    ― ▪ Vitamin B12
    ― ▪ 25 - OH Vitamin D
    ◦ Hepatitis screening
    ― ▪ Hepatitis A Antibody
    ― ▪ Hepatitis Bs Antigen
    ― ▪ Hepatitis B Antibody
    ◦ Cancer markers
    ― ▪ PSA – Prostatic Specific Antigen (Prostate)
    ― ▪ CEA - Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Colon, Pancreas, Breast, Lung etc)
    ― ▪ AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein) (Liver, Testes, Ovaries)
    ― ▪ CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
    ◦ Thyroid function
    ― ▪ T3
    ― ▪ T4
    ― ▪ TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

Note: If you have any additional tests that you want to do, please let us know.

A few gentle reminders:

  1. Please fast from midnight on the night before your appointment
  2. If you are on High Blood Pressure pills, you may take your medication on the morning of your appointment but only with plain water
  3. Please DO NOT take your Diabetic medication on the morning of your medical check-up to avoid low blood sugar. Please bring along your diabetic medication and take it after your light breakfast
  4. Your visit to GDMC will be taken care of by a Client Relations Officer
  5. After blood taking, you will be served with a light Starbucks/Local Breakfast 
  6. Please bring along suitable and comfortable dress, T-shirt and trousers, a small towel and rubber shoes suitable for walking or running on the Treadmill Test
  7. If you think you are unable to walk on the Treadmill due to pain, weakness or if you are feeling unwell, please inform our staff
  8. The Medical check-up will be carried out in GDMC and should take approximately half-a-day. However, should there be any delay, our client relations officer will keep you informed and updated
  9. Please be informed that you will need to drink several glasses of water to ensure you have a full bladder before your Abdominal Ultrasound Examination
  10. Your medical report may take up to a week for the Doctor to complete. However, your blood results will be scanned and sent to you by email as soon as it is available

We look forward to welcoming you to Good Doctors Medical Clinic and will do our best to ensure that you have a pleasant experience during your visit.